Conference of Wargamers 2012 Saturday Afternoon

After another jolly good eat-all-you-can buffet style lunch it was back to the gaming. After many years of skipping round them I signed up for Mike Young's Iran Nuclear Confrontation Game.

The problem at the heart of the game
Mike sort of does this thing in real life, so his sessions are always well thought through and researched. This one worked through the options open to everyone (well, the USA, Israel, the "Arabs" and Iran) over whether or not Iran is building a nuclear bomb. The heart of the problem, based on some thorough analysis, is that they say they aren't, but no one believes them. The picture shows Mike's simple analysis system. The yellow says it's something Iran is doing (or not) the small boxes indicate whether anybody has said publically that they want it to happen. Blue is Israel, Red the USA and Green the Arabs. As you can see NO ONE including Iran wants it, but the question marks indicate that some people don't believe it.

The Conference Room
Jim Roche and I ended up being Israel. As the debate went back and forth it was obvious that the end game was when we attacked the Iranian nuclear facilities. All that was in doubt was how much backing we'd get from the Americans and whether the Arabs would turn a blind eye.

As the game went on and Rob Collins' sure footedly danced around Wayne Thomas' Americans and ignored the Arabs' fatwa it became clearer and clearer that we'd have a pretty good run at it. When we cried havoc it got a bit sticky flying over Arab airspace but there was sufficient dissension between Messrs Barker & Salt  for us to get there and back with a stunning attack that put the programme back a whole 6 months and put world opinion firmly behind Iran.

Conclusion of game: the Iranians hold all the cards unless the Americans want to bomb them into the stone age.

The game ended early, after one session rather than the two it was slotted for. So after a cup of tea I went for a wander round and found myself at Jim Wallman's "Funny Little Wars" garden game (inside if wet...).

He was accompanied by Tim Gow & Bob Cordery & the Drury boys who had just finished a game and were looking, as colonial occupiers for another poor dupe to take them on. Well, what could I say?

This is basically H G Wells with big figures and spring loaded matchstick firing cannon. I was given the Crimson Empire (er...Boxer Rebellion Chinese) and told to attack. So I did, and suffered great slaughter but had a great time.

The Evil Imperialists deploy
The melee rules in action. Cavalry take a beating. Infantry all die
