Trying to do a Prop-er job

The Syborg aircraft have been causing me some irritation due to the absence of propellers. I thought I'd be able to put up with it, but JF's comment about using a plastic disc for a propeller replacement made me realise it is really obvious there should be something there.

Especially when they are placed next to my Skytrex models which do have propellers.

I ummed a bit about the plastic discs. Cutting perfect circles is a trick business to those of us who are fairly cack-handed. Then I had an idea. What about plastic broom bristle? It squashes flat for spear points after all.

I experimented by hammering a bristle first, but it went too flat and started to curve (??), so I resorted to using the pliers again. That got the size and thickness I wanted, and I was able to trim them into a passable shape and twist them slightly.

The finished version isn't perfect - so little of my stuff is - but they fit in okay with my metal models. That's a Syborg model on the right, and a Skytrex on the left. At first glance you wouldn't know, I'd say. the give away is that I had to glue to propeller flush to the engine housing to make it stay in place.

That'll do.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. Of course I've photographed the one that worked the best...

  2. Hats actually worked really well. Kudos.

    1. I foresee it becoming a common fix for the problem.

  3. Had you not mentioned it, I doubt I would have seen a difference. On table, any differences will vanish.

  4. That's the spirit, well done. it would have vexed me too.

    1. I wonder why they just don't print one on one half of the model you can then detach and glue on.

  5. Replies
    1. I would agree with you, only I'm too modest.

  6. Nicely done, Graham.

    You've made a good job of filling in the printing lines - not an easy job on 1/144 models, or are they they a resin print?

    Regards, Chris.

    1. It's a filament print painted with PVA.

  7. I have now got a resin printer and all the WW1 1/144 aircraft will now be in resin. They are a one piece model instead of being split into 2 and it does solve the lines on the model. Some of the WW2 1/200 aircraft are in resin, with the bigger aircraft still in PLA. I will have the aircraft ready for sale at Colours 2022 in Newbury. (Syborg 3D Printing)

    1. That sounds great. If only I needed more aircraft!


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