The Paprikans are at it again

Chris is running helter-skelter towards publishing NQM and is trying to make sure he tests everything he needs to ahead of publication. And show off his Hexon terrain in the process. This week (and possibly for a week or two to come) the Tibians were launching an assault on a key naval port controlled by the Paprikans. In order to achieve this they have rolled up every single heavy gun they can lay their hands on.

It did look rather magnificent.

We (Tim and I were Paprikans) even had a naval gun on a train truck. I was defending the end of the table away from the town.

I was able to blunt Phil's first attack with a devastating artillery barrage. I then expanded the target area to use what may well be the first planned interdiction barrage ever in NQM.

Phil was not amused. I think he felt I'd moved the goal posts. Actually Chris is using a form of barrage markers with similar affects to those in FWTDR, so I know what to do with them.

Of course the Tibians have more airpower than us, and started to bomb us in our trenches.

Then they wheeled up all their heavy guns. It's less fun when you're on the receiving end. Tim was soon on the the sticky side of the Tibian artillery assisted steam roller as well.

It's looking a bit beleaguered up there.

I'd been forced to drop back to my second defence line, as the Tibians advanced. We didn't have a lot of answers to their artillery and mobility. And then I discovered that the river didn't really secure my flanks as well as I thought, as Phil had brought a division's worth of rubber dingeys it seemed.

At that point the game was paused until next week.

I think we defenders are in for some hard pounding.


  1. I guess the question is whether the Tibians will have the legs for it when the Paprikans heat things up... But seriously, looks very good.

    1. I don't know that they kneed any support. As long as they don't put their foot in it they'll be fine. It did get a bit spicy for the paprikans at times.

  2. Trebian -
    The thing looks very inviting. Catching my eye at once was the similarity with the continental peninsula of Gran Bolivaria, nestled between the Topaz Estuary and Amethyst Roads... But seriously, that do look good!

    1. I have it on good authority that the area is not, in any way at all, based on an area of the Crimea.


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