Fun with Faking Flags

The building of the Ottoman army grinds slowly forwards. I have an Orta of Janissaries drying on the painting desk, who will feature in a looky-looky blog post shortly. Whilst the varnish hardens I spent the morning working on standards for them. 

Being a cheap skate I won't buy them from professional suppliers (if there are any), so I set about producing some in DrawPlus. I resolved to make them slightly generic, and mostly based the designs on those captured at Vienna in 1683. Rather than exact copies I simplified the designs, and replaced the Qur'anic quotes with an Arabic looking font and some nonsense words, which I flipped upside down and back to front. 

I will confess to pinching a vector graphic of the zulfiqar. I had a couple of goes at trying to draw one with graphic elements, and in the end it was easier just to use a photo cut out tool to extract one from an original flag, then turn it into a graphic I can recolour.

Feel free to borrow if they meet your need. 
