The holiday had a lot of coach travel to fit in Marrakech, Fes, Rabat and Casablanca, but was very enjoyable none the less. No real wargaming connection for me, - except I dabbled with the Rif Wars many years ago as I fancied the idea of chasing Arab horse men with Renault light tanks. I even bought the Matchbox tank kit & a packet of Airfix Bedouins. And some Revell Foreign Legion. Anyway, never made much progress with it.
Of course I get inspired by most things I see, so the idea of doing an Almorovid army keeps creeping up on me. Fortunately Hat haven't released the Arab cavalry boxes in their El Cid range, so I may escape.
The northern cities - such as Rabat and Casablanca are more pale yellow and white (hardly a surprise for "Casablanca") so I won't be repainting any time soon.
So now I have the task of editing the pictures and doing the captions and trying to make sense of the video footage and then catching up on all the stuff that hasn't been done for the last week. Like sorting out my credit card company who are a bunch of numpties, fixing my mobile broadband dongle (which finally arrived) and a host of other stuff
Last note: My earlier blogs have talked about how I'm careful with what I use to paint figures so I have to do little mixing and what I want to use is readily available locally. Hence I use some GW colours, - in this case "Bronzed Flesh". I found out today it has been discontinued, so thanks to the 12 year old in my local GW store who went into their basement to retrieve me the last two pots.
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