Are We Nearly There Yet?

...Well, I think we might be.

After several days of intense proof reading and last minute corrections to layout and the clunkier bits of the text, "Taiping Era" looks like it is finally done.

This last haul has been a real struggle. There's been a lot going on. If you are aware of my activities as the local champion of Edgcote Battlefield then you'll know there's a planning application due to go in for a solar farm on it, so I've been encouraging people to oppose that. And then, I'm pleased to say, young Miss T (known to several of you as the girl who sold tea & coffee at Brixcon AK47 day to raise funds to go to Africa) got married by Zoom, which was lovely. Then there's  normal daily life in an area careering towards lockdown. So, a tad busy.

The proof read was disjointed, me fitting it in between other tasks, and when I re-uploaded the files it showed. The re-read of the corrected file had me scratching my head with "what does that mean" and "how did I miss that" and "why is that diagram on the wrong page"?

I've also added more photos which moved the subject headings and so meant I needed to re-do the contents. From that I've had a go at putting in an Index. It's not a complete index of every term, but it does cover the main subject headings, and I've played around with it to get it on one page.

The QRS has given me conniptions too. I was a second away from hitting the publish button when I realised I'd included the Turn Sequence box twice in two different formats and overlaid it over  another table.

Then I had to re-work the advertising banner for TMP. Hopefully it isn't getting too crowded:

This has been a really odd process, compared with the first two books and my normal rule writing process. The daily fix of games that keep me inspired has not been there, and I have also taken pause to consider that normally, in a 12 month period, I work on one set of rules, either new or a revisit/re-write. This year I've done three, plus edited a friend's set, and it has only been 9 months since I sorted out "To Ur". I might need to take a break, but then again there's little prospect of resuming regular games, so I need something to fill my time. Of course, I do have some figures to paint, so may be I should get stuck into those for a month or two, and target January for the next publishing project.

These will be the longest set to date, coming in at 100 pages, although still at the bargain price of £14.99. I'll post the links for purchasing as soon as I have them.

Oh, need to update the other blog page too.

And do something with the downloads.

Busy, busy, bust.
