A WI Shoe-in

Jon F has been running an AWI scenario several times over in his basement recently.  When he last did it for the MNG I was unavailable and missed it. There was sufficient goodwill amongst the group to play the scenario again this week, so I was able to take part.

We had a BIG turn out, with seven (7!) players plus Jon to run the game.

Steve, Will, Chris and Richard were the British, Ian, Phil and I were the Americans. This view is from our side of the stream. Shoemaker's Farm, the focal point of the action is in the middle of the table, and Shoemaker's Bridge that gives its name to the battle can clearly be seen.

Ian had some militia units deployed on the board initially. The British are coming on from the top of the picture. Phil and I with the American reinforcements will be coming up the road at the bottom.

The first British units arrive up the road in column. The orange markers are "Hold" orders that enable us to fire in the enemy turn if needed. Ian opened up with his artillery and inflicted some hits on the lead unit in the road column.

More British arrive, and Phil is hurrying up the road to forestall them.

Ian pushed units up to and over the stream line. I wasn't sure about the wisdom of doing so.

All of a sudden the far end of the board is swarming with British troops.

Switching to the camera from the other end you can see the British are mostly in line and are attacking where ever they can. In the distance Phil is heading off to the flank with the bridge. I'm on and heading for the other flank.

Ian's troops are being driven back across the stream. The British Guards on our left cross the stream. We are shoring up the defences of the farm, and I'm looking to get in their way before they can encircle them.

I'm getting into position on the left, and lining up more reinforcements for the farm. On our right the British are crossing the stream, and Phil is looking how to fortify the defensive positions. Chris K is in the British centre, and is deploying his battalions to make a major push on the farm which is held by militia.

The British are pressing everywhere. We're taking damage everywhere too, and it all looks very flimsy. I can't work out how to hold them up on my flank without exposing my troops to too much fire. Those two units on their right (my left) are very tough. They fire better, fight better, have better morale and have a General with them.

The battle is intensifying on our right. I've got my troops on hold orders, in case the Guards try to close. We're taking damage in the farm, and as Chris forms up we look really vulnerable. The troops are all militia, and whilst I've got two units in the dead zone to bolster the position they are exposed to the Guards on the left should they choose to attack them.

Rather than pressing my Continentals defending out on the left, Richard dodges back to support the attack on the farm buildings. Chris has got up on the ridge line and has driven off some of the defenders. Phil is holding on fairly comfortably on the right, and sends a unit across to support the centre.

To stop Richard completely overwhelming the farm I pushed my infantry forwards and threw a militia unit up onto the ridge. Phil is chipping away at the British in front of him. Chris is intent on bayonet charging everything to his front.

My efforts on the left draw the Guards away from the farm - but it's rather like teasing a bear to stop it attacking your car. Sure, I've drawn him off, but at what cost? He attacks the militia unit behind the farm and breaks it, so we're wobbling badly. Phil has driven off the British left, and swung a unit round to attack Chris as he presses through the farm. The game is poised, but it feels like we're about to be overwhelmed.

Then my internet service went down. Not my wi-fi, but the actual supply to the router. Despite rebooting it and so on, it wouldn't come back, so I packed up and went to bed.

I awoke this morning and checked my emails. Neither side was able to gain a strategic victory - basically clear the enemy from the American side of the stream and for the British, get three units off the road to attack Brooklyn.

HOWEVER we mauled the British forces so badly that we got an American tactical victory! The first American victory in several playings of the game. Not sure what we did right, except hang on doggedly, but a significant achievement.

And well done Jon, running a seven player game. Nice in house rules too.


  1. Excellent battle report, Graham! I enjoyed that and your retelling was perfecto!
    Too bad you could not hang around to witness your glorious victory. The victory and carnage were really something else.

    Seven players is a lot to coordinate but we all (well, must of us!) made it through to the end.

    Thanks for playing and especially for your good write-up.

    By the way, your screenshots look pretty good.

    1. The overhead camera made it easier to keep track of what was going on. I'm still at a loss as to how we pulled a win out, and I'm not sure how we would repeat the success were we to play it again. I have a sneaking feeling that the battle is for the British to lose rather than the Americans to win.

  2. An American win at last! Shame your wi-fi went, which tends to happen in our house at the most inopportune moments:(.

    1. Indeed. All the Americans needed was a touch of Trebian genius! The WiFi issues - actually Internet as the WiFi worked - are annoying as we have Gigaclear dedicated fibre newly installed in the village in bespoke ducting. This sort of issue should not happen.

    2. A touch of the Trebian genius, indeed!

  3. Hey, it is also comforting to see that the game camera switching worked for you. Some seem to have issues with switching cameras. Glad you are not one of them.

    1. No problems with the cameras, just double click on the picture. Seems easy enough.

  4. Very impressive! How does one get into this?

    1. Email me. There's an address in the rules.


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