Long Live the Republic

As previously trailed, this week's entertainment, at the request of Chris and Phil, was some "AK47 Republic Classic". I cleared off the table in SHQ, and pushed the bluescreen as far back as possible to get two 5' 6" x 5' tables. We had four players, Chris, Phil, me and Tim. As Chris and Phil were bringing their own armies, I only had to knock up some lists for me and Tim.

Tim & I played on the set up near the camera. 

I took the opportunity to put out my WW2 airfield. I chose to populate it with some bi-planes. Modern aircraft are too big.

To my surprise Chris & Phil turned up without having prepared their army lists, so Chris sat down with pen and paper to write them up for both of them. We're all a bit rusty, but Chris knew that he was going to do a religious army and go for 90 political points. For some reason, Phil forgot he needed to have a minimum of 25 political points, which meant he had a lot more kit on the table than Chris. Except Chris got most of the good upgrades from his political cycle.

Whilst they were still sorting themselves out, Tim & I started. I'd done two different armies, but both amongst my favourites. Firstly the Religious movement "The Army of Dog", and then the Swamibian People's Republic (it's a Dictatorship). Tim chose the Army of Dog. He had a decent enough political phase, but didn't get any upgrades from his last box. He was the attacker, and strung the objectives out across the board. There's a Red marker on the nearest hill, a blue one on the road junction and a green one in the wood. Tom got three units on to start, and I got two, which is a decent result for the defenders. I was able to cover the two flanking objectives, and then threaten anything going for the centre.

Tim didn't wait around, and headed off for the objectives. On his left, top right, you can see a unit heading for the wood.

In typical AK47 style, it failed three morale tests in two moves, and was gone. this made my task much easier.

Tim moved his militia into the village, prior to attacking the hill with the red marker on it. I had a sudden rush of blood to the head, and launched a close assault with my upgraded professional unit. I had this recollection that this was a good way of breaking up a militia unit. I very nearly came unstuck.

I took some hits, but over two turns I was able to do enough to cause three morale failures. I was aided by the infamous Double 4 airstrike special event. By this point Tim has occupied the central objective, and the first reinforcements have arrived. Tim has some top chaps and bottom right (the later off screen), so his entire army is on. I got one a small group of regulars with a tank, which I used to bolster the position round red hill. I still had two units to arrive. They did not.

As you can see, Tim's village militia were comprehensively destroyed. Alas I got caught in the open, more or less, by the central unit. That smoke is a pin marker.

Tim's tank in the middle of the table was doing a good job of keeping me pinned back on the table edge. I'm trying to keep Tim's arriving militia in the enclosure.

Any thoughts of counter attack are rather scuppered as my tank breaks down.

We're heading into the last turn. My troops in the wood have lost their tank. In the absence of any reinforcements I'm hanging on by my fingernails. A last ditch assault sees Tim throw everything he's got at my guys, but he fails to inflict much damage, and I survive the morale rolls. 

The end of game victory points tally runs out a big win it me. I've held on to two objectives, and destroyed two of Tim's units whilst losing none of my own, but it could have gone either way.

Terrific game. AK47 Republic delivers again.

Meanwhile, Chris and Phil were still slugging it out at the far end. There seems to be a lot of blazing vehicles on the table. Tim & I had another warm beverage, and finished the chocolaty nibbles, just to round off a thoroughly entertaining evening.


  1. Sounds great! I have never played AK47 Republic, I should definitely get around to it.

    1. You can get the classic rules as a pdf download for £5 from the Peter Pig website.

  2. Classic AK is such a great game, glad you had a good evening.

    1. It is indeed. And really easy to adapt to other modern periods.

  3. Can't beat a bit of classic AK47


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