Not Quite Mechanised in print

My long term wargaming friend  and regular member of the Monday Night Group has finally, after over 30 years of development, published his operational wargame rules, "Not Quite Mechanised".

These rules enable you to play games involving a single brigade aside at Regimental Level up to games with several Army Corps each at Front Level. The blog has featured numerous games of NQM, and I have an epic write up to come in the next few days, when I've recovered.

You can buy the rules from Lulu for £19.99, if you are so inclined. 

If you've never tried an operational game, where the location of you medical teams and logistics vehicles is as important as where you put your artillery, you should give it a go.


  1. Hi Trebian,
    Can you clarify whether this game is played in hexes, grids, or on a more traditional "blank" canvas?
    PS...we're having good games with "To Ur is Human"...thanks for an enjoyable and unique system. Looking forward to breaking in "Tricorn and Bonnet" soon.

    1. Chris uses hexes as he's invested in Hexon. I used a hex cloth for my latest game, but I've also used offset squares and we've played on orthogonal squares. You can use the rules with swapping a hex for a 10cm move. There's sections in the rules about doing these things. Good to hear that someone at least is enjoying TUIH. Let me know how you get on with TnB.


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