SHQ Day Feb 2022 (part 2)

 After the RCW game was over, we cleared the table, and West Country Richard brought out his lovely 28mm Romans and Celts for some "Infamy, Infamy".

We resolved on this because Gary has bought his first wargames figures, and is working on the Warlord Starter pack of Romans and Britons. He'll have enough for a skirmish sized game when he's done, and this is a skirmish sized game.

And it gave him a chance to look at how Richard paints and bases his toys. We gave Gary the Romans, and split the Britons between me and Chris.

There's a lot of dice rolling in "Infamy, Infamy" to set up the terrain and the scenario. In this game the Romans had to burn a couple of fields. We had "Ambush Points" to leap out from and stop him. Richard was a bit rusty with the rules, and I'd forgotten where I'd put my QRS. Chris is tech savvy. He downloaded one on to his phone.

Anyway, the Romans set off, sneaking behind the wood. We let loose some scruffy warriors to attack him, supported by some slingers.

Then I launched another attack and hit his legionaries head on. I thought we could pin them in place and get something round their rear before we got minced up and spat out.

It was a tense tussle. Lots of dice rolling, with hits, blocks and armour rolls. It's long winded but it gets there.

The Romans started to get the upper hand

Not to be deterred I counter attacked. That unit with the two fives behind it is a spent force, by the way.

Got thumped again.

Then my Noble Warriors arrived on their chariots, and ploughed straight into the auxilia.

We drove them back.

And then charged into them again. They retreated off the board when we had one of those game reset lulls you get in the game.

Undaunted, Gary got stuck back in again.

My Nobles started to swing round the back of the Roman legionaries, whilst Chris' warriors kept the archers off me. If we got a lucky draw of the activation cards/discs we had them

Huzzah! We did! Into the rear of the legionaries we go!

Gary tries to close with the other Celts, but the turn sequence isn't doing him any favours, and he is unable to turn round before we get another hack at him.

That did for those legionaries. It was now clear Gary wasn't going to burn one field, let alone two, and we stopped with a Briton victory, and it was time to go home.

I don't know that I will ever grow to really love "Infamy, Infamy". It plays okay. No doubt if we all sat down with the rules and learned it properly we'd get a richer and more rewarding gaming experience, but time limited. I've played it a few times now, and seen it a couple of times too and I don't get what all the fuss is about. If you want a skirmishy but slightly bigger type game then it delivers. Mostly I don't, so I won't be spending my pennies on the full set. It's £40+ but you do get a rule book and a deck of bespoke cards and two sets of chips/tokens. The rules are glossy paperback and sell for £26. I can't say if that's good or bad value, but enough people buy them, so I guess that answers the question.

Well, that was it for the day, and a day well spent it was too. There really isn't anything like pushing lead round a table with some old friends.


  1. The table and figures look great. Gary, though, looks a little.... something.😄

  2. That's a lovely looking game but the rules have never really grabbed me. I much prefer Dan Mersey's simpler Lion Rampant and variants for skirmish games. Enough detail if you want it but nice and simple to play, in comparison to the TFL rules IMHO.

    1. I like Mersey's Dux Bellorum. Richard is a Lardy fan, me less so. I am tempted to pick up Lion Rampant.

  3. Game looks good, Graham. I am confused on the size of the game given by these rules. From the photos, it appears that the game is wholly contained within about a two-foot square playing area. Is that true? What is the BMU size and how many figures per BMU? From your table, Infamy, Infamy looks more like a small unit tactical game than skirmish with only a handful of BMUs.

    1. It is misleading. It plays on a 6 x 4 table, with random start points and terrain. The set up meant we ended up playing in a small area of the table. You could describe it as small unit tactical, but the size of units is very small and I think it is a 1:1 scale. I would say the figures looked nice, rather than the game.

    2. "I would say the figures looked nice, rather than the game."
      -- Message received. Load and clear.

    3. There is a pleasure to be obtained from pushing about nicely painted toys, but whether that makes for a good game is something that bothers me a lot.


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