War Wagon Worries Worked Out?

After my issues a couple of posts ago I've manged to complete a couple of wagons. Well, with the heat wave the paint dries quickly.

As previously trailed I needed to offset the wagons on the bases so that they'll line up for DBA. I think they look okay, but then if I don't do this I'm a bit stuck and I'll need to rebase on 40 x 80 bases, which isn't going to happen as that'll result in them fighting end on to their opponents. So of course I think they look okay.

I decided to give them some colour. The evidence for this is weak, but I sort of think that if you live and travel in wagons for any length of time you'd end up decorating them. This wagon as hand gunners in it. The symbol is the chalice for Holy Communion, a major Hussite symbol as one of the tenets of their "heresy" was that lay people were entitled to take communion on both parts, that is both bread and wine. Catholic teaching was that only priests could partake of the wine.

Here's the view from the other side, with the gunners discharging their pieces. It would have been nice to have had a couple more figures in there, possibly loading. I may add more at a future date (oh...who am I kidding. Of course I won't).

The other Hussite symbol was the goose, as that's what hus means in Czech. That's a passable representation of one, I hope. They used a splayed cross too, but I fear that looks slightly too Teutonic really. This wagon has cross bows in it.

Slightly fuzzy picture of the bowmen. They aren't shooting. Just standing around having a chat.

They've come up alright, so I think that's how I will do the rest of them.

The gun wagon, however, that's another problem all together.
